Quiz for Lessons 336 - 340
Mechanics - Punctuation - Periods
Use a period after initials used in names. Examples: E. F. Smith, Helen R. Hunsaker, W. James Swift
Use a period after the abbreviations Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., and St. (Saint) before a name and Jr., Sr., and Esq., after a name. Do not use a period with Miss because it is not an abbreviation.
Special abbreviations or initials need a period. Example: C.O.D. (cash on delivery) (Many abbreviations and acronyms, especially government agencies, now do not use periods and the abbreviations may be found written in several forms. Example: miles per hour = mph, m.p.h., Mph, MPH) For our purposes we will use periods with abbreviations to be consistent.
Use a period with abbreviations used with figures showing time. Examples: A.M., P.M., B.C., and A.D.
Use a period to show decimals and dollars and cents. Examples: This costs $6.99. Two and one half is written 2.5.
Instructions: Put the correct punctuation where needed in the following sentences.
1. Mr and Mrs Rodney C Snow were honored at the dinner
2. Ten and three quarters is 1075 in decimals
3. Did you study the period from 100 B C to A D 200 in your history class
4. I have heard of St Francis of Assisi
5. Add together 825 and 175 in decimals which should equal ten.
6. Miss Claire S Queen and Dr A Z King, Jr , will be married at 10:00 A M
7. Dan P Morgan, Esq , and Ms Luella K Larson knew the famous P T Barnum.
8. The trip cost $33650 (three hundred thirty-six dollars and fifty cents) for gasoline alone.
9. I feel sorry for the B S A organization
10. It seems that they take so much from my check for F I C A