Lesson 338
Mechanics - Punctuation - Periods
Special abbreviations or initials need a period. Example: C.O.D. (cash on delivery) (Many abbreviations and acronyms, especially government agencies, now do not use periods and the abbreviations may be found written in several forms. Example: miles per hour = mph, m.p.h., Mph, MPH) For our purposes we will use periods with abbreviations to be consistent.
Instructions: Put periods where needed in the following sentences.
1. I will send the package C O D to M I T
2. The soldier got lost returning to base but was considered A W O L
3. Dr Hill is really a D D S
4. U S S R no longer exists since it has been divided into several smaller countries.
5. I want to join the U S N and become a Marine.
Note: When a period is used for an abbreviation or some other reason at the end of the sentence, you do not need a second one to end the sentence. The one period does double duty.