Daily Grammar

Quiz for Lessons 46-50

Parts of Speech - Adverbs

Adverbs that tell us how, when, and where can shift position in the sentence.

Instructions: Find the adverbs in the following sentences, tell what word they modify, and what they tell us. Remember that adverbs tell us how, when, where, why and modify the verb. They also can shift in a sentence. Adverbs that tell us how much modify adjectives or other adverbs. These adverbs must come before the word they modify.

1. Haven't we often stopped here before?

Haven't we often stopped here before?
  - n't (when/how), often (when), here (where), and before (when) modify have stopped

2. Boyd does his work faithfully and carefully.

Boyd does his work faithfully and carefully.
  - faithfully (how) and carefully (how) modify does

3. My children sometimes say that I have always been highly critical.

My children sometimes say that I have always been highly critical.
  - sometimes (when) modifies say
  - always (when) modifies have been
  - highly (how much) modifies critical

4. Yesterday Jim came by once or twice.

Yesterday Jim came by once or twice.
  - Yesterday (when), by (where), once (when), and twice (when) modify came

5. The baby lay there very safely in the crib.

The baby lay there very safely in the crib.
  - there (where) and safely (how) modify lay
  - very (how much) modifies safely

6. Today the dog seemed rather restless.

Today the dog seemed rather restless.
  - Today (when) modifies seemed
  - rather (how much) modifies restless

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