Lesson 14
Parts of Speech - Verbs
Instructions: Find the verb phrasesWhen a verb is more than one word, it is called a verb phrase. Verb phrases can be two, three, or four words. Verb phrases are made by using auxiliary or helping verbs.
Source: Lesson 4 in each sentence.
Then pick out the helping verbsHelping verbs are any verbs in a verb phrase that are not the main verb.
Source: Lesson 4 used in the verb phrases.
1. He should have tried again.
He should have tried again.
should have - helping verbs
should have - helping verbs
2. The dog had suddenly come into the yard.
The dog had suddenly come into the yard.
had - helping verb
had - helping verb
3. Has anyone taken out the trash?
Has anyone taken out the trash?
has - helping verb
has - helping verb
4. Could they have been pointing at our car?
Could they have been pointing at our car?
could have been - helping verbs
could have been - helping verbs
5. She's hoping for a call from her sister.
She's hoping for a call from her sister.
's (is) - helping verb
's (is) - helping verb