Daily Grammar

Quiz for Lessons 256 - 260

Parts of the Sentence - Adjective Clauses

Instructions: Combine the following sentences using an adjective clause using the introductory words who, whose, whom, which, that, when, and where.

1. The occasion was a momentous one for all. All the family were together at last.

The occasion when all the family were together at last was a momentous one for all.

2. The site has several steep slopes. The million-dollar home will be built there.

The site where the million-dollar home will be built has several steep slopes.

3. The time was very exciting. Our team won the championship.

The time when our team won the championship was very exciting.

4. The author wrote the novel. He received a Pulitzer Prize.

The author who received a Pulitzer Prize wrote the novel.

5. I recall the time. There was no freeway to Salt Lake City then.

I recall the time when there was no freeway to Salt Lake City.


Instructions: Rewrite the following sentences placing the adjective clause in the correct place.

6. The little dog was running behind the boy that was growling and barking fiercely.

The little dog that was growling and barking fiercely was running behind the boy.

7. The trunk of the passenger was placed on the train which was covered with travel stickers.

The passenger's trunk, which was covered with travel stickers, was placed on the train.

8. A dog ran onto the football field which looked like the team mascot.

A dog, which looked like the team mascot, ran onto the football field.

9. The car is now in our garage that was in a wreck yesterday.

The car that was in a wreck yesterday is now in our garage.

10. The crickets were the targets of our poison bait which were destroying our crops.

The crickets, which were destroying our crops, were the targets of our poison bait.

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